Monday, November 18, 2013


So as it turns out, I ended up trading the server I've been hosting for half a year for the other type of server. I believe that either way, this new server should become more popular faster than the other one. I've spent almost a week so far making many modifications to the game and how it works.

I still have not set up a donation type thing. But when I do, I might then be able to consider buying another VPS for which I can host my old server again, thus having two servers.

It's kind of interesting, seeing how the promotion of this server is going. I'm already having people say that my server is a lot 'better' than others. Even more surprisingly, people are literally asking me if there's a way to donate yet. I keep telling them that I'm more focused on development related to balancing the server and whatnot first however.

Even more interesting, is that I'm just burning through all the modifications I've planned to make. Only half a year ago did I have little clue what I was doing trying to modify anything, and now I'm able to make many more intricate changes. I think that I might also start making some things for the modding community related to that game. It'd be good experience for me as well. It has been almost three years since I last had anything interesting enough to program that I'd spent a week straight doing it. This is also exactly the type of path that leads to me learning a lot more about a language. Knowledge of assembly coding doesn't transfer very much to normal programming unfortunately. They're both very different. At least to me they are. Assembly is actually considered much harder, but I find normal programming harder. This is likely because I just got used to assembly language first. I've started filling my notebooks with programming stuff again, as well as having dreams about it. It's kinda weird, but making some algorithm is just that much fun to me. The classes I ask the most questions in are math and science. In a purely subjective class like Humanities, I retain almost no interest in the attempts to over glorify one's opinions about art. There is little or no real knowledge to be gained from it.

In any case, I believe I should set a goal for this server stuff. If I can meet a quota of active donators, donating $3 a month, I'll be able to open another server again. Before the end of the year, I hope that I'll have all my coding done. This also includes setting up a unique color theme for my server that's more uniform than what I have now, which is almost as much work as any of the coding. And that's not including any special graphics designing. I may also be increasing the specs of my server to have more RAM to decrease the chance of having one shut down accidentally by being overloaded.

The most interesting goal will be having a community in the first place, all started by me. I really only started this because I couldn't find a server or community to play on occasionally that I liked, so I learned how to make one myself.