Between melee with all these cool special attack weapons and mage with all their unique spells, ranged always seemed a bit... lacking.
And actually, this is one of the things about Runescape that I seem to be the lowest on for creativity.
However, I have seen some interesting ideas from other people.
One example is making bolts able to affix any gem tip from their level to the lowest level.
In other words, instead of Runite bolts being able to have Diamond, Dragonstone, or Onyx, Runite would have access to anything from Opal to Onyx. Mithril bolts would have access to anything from Opal to mithril.
Personally, I would've gone for Opal Rune Bolts (E). Lucky Lightning had a cool graphical effect, sound effect, and the effect hit for 10% more damage.
And I'd totally get Pearl Runite Bolts for Fight Kiln.
Some people might like to use Smite in conjunction with Saphire Runite Bolts, which have a chance to leech prayer points.
Of course, Enchant Bolt may need to be edited to be based on the metal of the bolt instead of the gem.
Truthfully, making use of these already existing effects already adds a lot of fun and unique options for rangers.
One thing I would've been interested in seeing was a dragon thrownaxe, and then having the rune thrownaxe special attack moved to the dragon version, and then making the special attack cost 1% or 5% special attack instead of 10-20% or whatever it had. But then make it cost 50% and triple-hit a target if it's a single-way combat zone.
I personally think they could've stood to make throwing knives more obtainable, because those were one of the most fun ranged weapons to use, yet the most expensive. The fact that Vanstrom's fight made them worthwhile to use and fairly easy to get a good number of, was a lot of fun.
Actually, that toxic blowdart in OSRS sounds and looks like quite an interesting weapon.
Other than that, I guess I'd say rangers just needed more gear to fit their gaps, which is another one of the good ideas that the EoC did wrong. Things like putting a focus sight on your longbow were cool, albeit didn't make much of a difference in your weapon choice.
I'd love to hear other's ideas on giving ranged more interesting options.
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