I sleep, I eat, I learn, I work.
But I have fun living.
Lately, the only thing that depresses me is the thought of dying. I've been conditioned to have strong control over emotional detachment, and ever since I've always felt like I enjoy things thoroughly and never take things for granted.
I've been conditioned to be able to easily let go of the past for change and adapt as well. At the same time I have very long lasting patience or stamina for what interests me. It takes me a long time to get bored of something I like.
I believe I'm partially capable of that because I don't trap myself with strong expectations of having things last. I don't enjoy something expecting myself to be able to enjoy it every single day for years straight, so I don't get disappointed when something goes dry. In fact, I look forward to when I get interested in it again, as I tend to rotate between major interests.
As a very anti-social-by-choice type of person, I don't expect human attachments to weigh me down in an eternal life. And realistically, if I become immortal, it would be done through anti-aging genetic science. Immortality achieved that way means I could still die any time. And if it's a procedure that can be applied to me, then it could also be applied to whoever I love as well.
I believe that humans will eventually have full control over genetics. Either that, or we will reach the limits of this universe's physical capabilities. We still seem to have a long ways to go before we reach any such limits however.
We can already decide birth gender in babies. We're on the tip of anti-aging and it can only be made safer and safer as time goes on. "Character Creation" for humans is just a start, but genes to control aptitude for intelligence and other skills could be manipulated too.
Some day we might see a world where the majority of people are INTJ or INTP personalities - a world I believe would be much more rational than we are now. I feel as if a majority of humanity has infantile thought patterns and only few people are very rational and mature going into adulthood. The way people act tends to be extremely predictable.
We are still restricted by mental biases imposed by our instinct to live. I read somewhere that men who have problems cheating on girls do so because their instinct is meant to lead them to create more offspring, whereas girl's instinct is more to protect the child. I agree to some extent, but this also points out the ability for human intelligence to intervene in natural.
We can overturn instinct and natural habits such as that. While rabbits or dogs might show similar behavior to those instincts, we've learned a culture of marrying and sticking with one husband and one wife pairings.
But that's not enough on its own. We are currently in a pitfall against human evolution. Natural stagnantation or stasis. Humans have hit a point where we survive against nature through technology. Where beetles adapt for survival by changing colors over various generations of their species so they camoflage better and get eaten less often, we kill or hide from our opposition.
Because our technology can protect us, there's no need for the human itself to evolve and for people to better themselves.
This is where we reach a point of natural stagnation. Something I believe that would best be solved by eventual acceptance of intelligence improving genetic surgery from birth. All those sci-fi movies about genetic super-intelligent children isn't a far stretch.
Even something as simple as disabling emotional anger can go a long way. I believe nothing good comes from anger and that anything you can get out of anger is better achieved by being rational. It mostly only leads to poorly thought hasty decisions and war and hatred.
Heck, genetics could possibly be used to overwrite our survival instincts and how they work to be similar to whatever kinds of couples don't actually end up divorcing in this day and age. It could even eventually stop population growth unless necessary.
As we learn more about the brain, it may be possible to some day cyberize our minds. This will likely take us much longer as the difference between a brain's processing power and a computer's is too different right now.
In any case, I think I could live on for a very long time without tiring of life. In high school during a psychology class a teacher mentioned that most people wouldn't be able to live alone without going insane. Most of the other students agreed, but I didn't.
Of course, I assume a lot of hope for humankind to improve and better themselves. If humans go extinct and I'm the last person alive, what would I be living for? I enjoy life because I love data. The vast amounts of data created by humans.
On that note, I suppose having the ability to induce a self-comatose state for millions of years in order to 'skip time' would be useful as well, if humanity where to go extinct, I could perhaps wait for a new intelligent life to appear.
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